
Project * Files * Forum

Hello, and welcome to the ficsteambot project site. Ficsteambot is a set of programs that facilitate team games on the Free Internet Chess Server. If you are interested in consultation chess matches please go to FICS site,, sign up, get a client, and then log in. You will find consutlation matches going in channel 20 “teamgames” 24 hours a day.

Those of you interested in becoming a programmer or a bot admin for the ficsteambot project please message davethebravest or mapleleaf at



January 10, 2006 Several new developments have taken place recently. I've asked Chessty for 3 new bots for the project, which if approved, will mean our total number of accounts would be 6. (3 accounts in use and 3 for testing new code.)

Some have also requested that instead of ficsteambot and two automated captains that the project should all be organized under a single account. You can give your opinion about this in our forum.